Current Board

  • Walter Bolles, President
  • Tricia McDonnell Garrison, Vice President
  • Eileen Dills, Secretary & Treasurer
  • Mike Daniels, Arc Committee
  • Chris Becker, Landscaping Committee

Landscaping Committee


  • Chris Becker, Chair [BOD]
  • Sarah Alexander
  • Steven Blake
  • Tricia McDonnell Garrison [BOD]
  • Eileen Dills [BOD]

Contact Information

The primary point of contact for the Braeloch Board HOA is Cedar Management, who may be reached by clicking here.

You may also choose to reach out to the board directly with the email below, but we recommend starting with Cedar Management first since they are better equipped to handle common concerns. Remember that your board is made up of unpaid volunteers with many other responsibilities. Please allow several business days for a response, as the full board may need to be consulted and this takes time.


Street Concerns

All street and parking concerns should be directed at the Town of Cary. If there is an urgent safety concern call 911.